our board of trustees
Welcome from the Board of Trustees Chairperson
The Board of Trustees welcomes you to the School community for 2023. The Board of Trustees is a group of parents elected by other parents to govern the school. When you send your child to Hampden School you as a parent become an important part of our school.
Hampden School is very fortunate to have a supportive parent body who give freely of their time in many ways, from fundraising, assisting during school trips, providing transport for sporting and cultural events. This parental involvement combined with our caring and experienced team of staff make Hampden School a very special place, a community that welcomes you and your children.
We hope that 2023 will be a busy and successful year for the school and we look forward to meeting new parents and welcoming back existing families.
Hampden School has a friendly environment where you will be welcome, your opinions respected and your child will flourish.
Callum Stalker
Board of Trustees
Hampden School Board of Trustees for 2023
Name Portfolio
Callum Stalker Chairperson / Presiding Member
Deputy Chair / Staff Representative / Property Manager
Jess Orr Treasurer
Anna King Health & Safety
Matt Hannagan Principal
Chantal Barnes Parent representative
Karly Carter Secretary and Policy Writing